Holy shitswowski! What's going on with Apple and it's stupid approach to putting up roadblocks to potential magazine and newspaper publishing clients in it's iTunes Store RE handling of subscriptions?
Many popular magazine and newspaper iPad apps have already been developed to allow selling digital versions through Apple...AND the so-called Apple visionaries (idiots is more like it) are not allowing the personal information of subscribers to be accessed and managed by the content providers themselves!
Why? What is the purpose of this greedy hoarding? This should be a win-win situation for all parties to be more monetarily successful. The more direct use of personal demographic info will result in more targeted success for the newspaper and mag clients AND should result in more volume biz for the Apple iTunes Store.
Can someone with more insight than I explain this to me?
If Apple stays on this dumb course I think the popular mags and newspapers will take their business elsewhere. And where is that, you might ask? To the upcoming and surging Google and Android platforms, of course!
Also, Apple is demanding too damn much of a cut (30%) to allow the apps! Remember that great line from the New York gubernatorial campaign: The rent is too damn high!
Read these previous posts of mine for more background on this issue:
From this blog, Time Magazine is Unhappy with iPad Publishing
From Writers Thought for Today Blog, Publishers Becoming Wary of Apple
Here is a current little ditty on iPad News: Apple, Publishers Clash on Subscriptions from iPad.net :
The iPad has been looked upon as the “savior” of the publishing industry, but relations between Apple and major publishers have hit an impasse that may be insurmountable. If the two cannot agree on key issues, the publishers may be taking their business elsewhere.
We’ve been hearing rumors for months that iPad apps for numerous popular magazine and newspaper titles will become available for subscriptions at the iTunes Store. Now the reasons for the delay have surfaced. According to Peter Kafka at MediaMemo, Apple and the publishers are “still miles apart” when it comes to the terms for how to sell subscriptions.
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Many popular magazine and newspaper iPad apps have already been developed to allow selling digital versions through Apple...AND the so-called Apple visionaries (idiots is more like it) are not allowing the personal information of subscribers to be accessed and managed by the content providers themselves!
Why? What is the purpose of this greedy hoarding? This should be a win-win situation for all parties to be more monetarily successful. The more direct use of personal demographic info will result in more targeted success for the newspaper and mag clients AND should result in more volume biz for the Apple iTunes Store.
Can someone with more insight than I explain this to me?
If Apple stays on this dumb course I think the popular mags and newspapers will take their business elsewhere. And where is that, you might ask? To the upcoming and surging Google and Android platforms, of course!
Also, Apple is demanding too damn much of a cut (30%) to allow the apps! Remember that great line from the New York gubernatorial campaign: The rent is too damn high!
Read these previous posts of mine for more background on this issue:
From this blog, Time Magazine is Unhappy with iPad Publishing
From Writers Thought for Today Blog, Publishers Becoming Wary of Apple
Here is a current little ditty on iPad News: Apple, Publishers Clash on Subscriptions from iPad.net :
The iPad has been looked upon as the “savior” of the publishing industry, but relations between Apple and major publishers have hit an impasse that may be insurmountable. If the two cannot agree on key issues, the publishers may be taking their business elsewhere.
We’ve been hearing rumors for months that iPad apps for numerous popular magazine and newspaper titles will become available for subscriptions at the iTunes Store. Now the reasons for the delay have surfaced. According to Peter Kafka at MediaMemo, Apple and the publishers are “still miles apart” when it comes to the terms for how to sell subscriptions.
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Just one more power play that big boys indulge in.
True...But, usually the big boys have some brains! Not so much today, I'm afraid...
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